News Archive
The following archived news are available on this page
(for current news see
Thuban 1.2.2 released
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Thuban 1.2.2 released
Stable version 1.2.2 was released check out the
Thuban 1.2.2 release announcement.
Thuban 1.2.1 released
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Thuban 1.2.1 released
Stable version 1.2.1 was released check out the
Thuban 1.2.1 release announcement.
Thuban 1.2.0 released
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Thuban 1.2.0 released
Stable version 1.2.0 was release check out the
Thuban 1.2.0 release announcement.
Windows build for 1.1.0 contributed.
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Windows build for Thuban 1.1.0 contributed by Didrik Pinte.
Didrik Pinte today
announced a Windows build for Thuban 1.1.0 on the Users mailinglist.
He asks for feedback and plans to further improve the installer in the future.
Development moving to new Infrastructure
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Thuban development moving to new infrastructure.
The development of Thuban will move to Intevation's new infrastructure
called Wald. This is a server
based on Gforge that offers an SVN repository and several other nice features
to make Thuban development more effective and more fun.
The source code was already moved, so check out the SCM tab and commits mailinglists
on Thuban's Project page on Wald.
Thuban release 1.1.0
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GIS-Viewer Thuban: First development release towards 1.2
Thuban is a platform independent interactive viewer for
geographic data·layers.
The first development release 1.1.0 towards the next
stable release series is ready for download as
source code package.
The changes compared to release 1.0.1 include:
- Add some support for wxPython 2.5 and 2.6. Thuban is still
compatible with wxPython 2.4.
- Change the way thuban deals with non-ascii text. The internal
representation is now the user's default encoding. Thuban works a
bit better with a unicode build of wxPython but there are still
- Various raster data improvements. Among other things, translucent
images are now supported on a sufficiently recent wxWidgets (2.6).
Also, only the part of the window actually covered by the image is
drawn which means you canhave many raster images concurrently.
Improved performance of map rendering for raster layers (by about
a factor of 2 and even more when zoomed to small extents, measured
for the Iceland demo).
- Improved PostGIS support:
- Tables don't have to have a column named "gid" anymore. The user
can select the column to use for ids.
- PostgreSQL views are supported too.
- Support more PostgreSQL versions. 7.4 works now.
- Added support for sizable points.
- The middle mouse button can be used for panning now.
- Give a warning when the projection selected for a layer is probably
- Updated shapelib.
- Minimum version of GDAL now 1.2.5.
- A registry for extensions.
- New or improved extensions:
- Improved WMS extension.
- Completed SVG-Export extension.
- New Extension to dump bounding boxes of all shapes
of the selected layer.
- New extension: umn_mapserver for managing UMN MapServer
- New extension: OGR for using the ogr library in order to
load various datasource formats.
- New Extension: mouseposition. Tool to collect mouse
click positions (map coordinates) in a dialog.
- Documentation:
- Added some documentation of the internals of Thuban.
See Doc/technotes/
- The Thuban manual has been partly translated to German
Thuban release 1.0.1
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GIS-Viewer Thuban: Maintenance release 1.0.1 available
Thuban is a platform independent interactive viewer for geographic data·
layers. It can handle Shapefiles, PostgreSQL/PostGIS spatial databases·
and raster data.
The first maintenance release of the stable 1.0
branch of Thuban is ready for download.
Source code packages and an installer
for Windows are already available. Binary packages for
further operating systems are expected to follow as
time of package maintainers permits.
The changes include:
- Translations
- Updated: Spanish, French, Russian and German
- New: Hungarian and Brazillian Portuguese
- Extensions
- Updated gns2shp: Changes include fix for RT#2453.
- New experimental extension: svgexport to export map and
legend in svg format
- Thuban now remembers directories during a session. E.g. if you open
a shape file Thuban remembers the directory it was loaded from and
the next time you open a shapefile the dialog will start in the same
directory. This also works for projections.
- The PostGIS interface was improved substantially compared to 1.0.0.
However, there are some limitations in Thuban's PostGIS support that
can't be fixed in the 1.0.x series without introducing incompatible
file format changes (one such limitation is the requirement for a
column called "gid").
The PostGIS changes in more detail:
- Added support for LINESTRING geometries·
- Added some support for tables with an explicit SRID.
- Thuban 1.0.0 used to allow tables with multiple geometry columns
in some cases. Those cases worked only by accident. 1.0.1 gives
an error message when such tables are opened. Real support for
tables with multiple geometry columns is available in 1.1.x
(currently only in CVS).
- Fix a printing bug. The region of the map to be printed was a bit off
so that some parts were not drawn sometimes (RT#2692)
- Other fixed issues:
- RT#2237 EPSG projection with unsupported (by the dialog)
parameters causes exception
- RT#2239 (only the session tree part)
- RT#2245 Thuban don't start, unhandled exception
- RT#2482 (partly) NameError: name 'wx' is not defined
- RT#2549 exception when trying to generate one class
Extension for Management of UMN MapServer
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Managing UMN MapServer .map files is now to some extent possible with
a new extension for Thuban.
Jan Schüngel wrote his master thesis about how to manage
a web mapping application with a desktop GIS with the practical
sample UMN MapServer and Thuban. The thesis is written in
german language and available from the
Thuban download page.
The extension is available from CVS HEAD and requires UMN MapServer 4.2
with python mapscript.
Thuban release 1.0
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Intevation GmbH announces the stable release 1.0.0 of the Geographic
Information Tool Thuban.
Thuban is an interactive viewer for geographic data layers. It can
handle Shapefiles, PostgreSQL/PostGIS spatial databases and raster
data. The user interface makes data exploration easy. Notable
features are the legend editor with some automatic classification,
projection support and management of attribute tables.
Thuban is Free Software licensed under the GNU General Public License.
It is platform independent using the wxPython framework and builds
upon powerful libraries. Intevation has helped to start the FreeGIS
project about four years ago which provides the most comprehensive
overview of Free Software GIS components on "One
incentive to start developing Thuban was to fill a missing link in the
FreeGIS world", says Jan-Oliver Wagner, Managing Director of
Intevation. "It also fits in well what our clients and the market
Thuban has been designed as a platform for GIS applications. An
example is the simulation system GREAT-ER (Geography Referenced
Regional Exposure Assessment Tool for European Rivers). Thuban
features an API for developing Add-Ons and other extensions.
Experimental WMS client functionality and APR (Arcview project) file
importer are two examples.
Thuban supports language locales. The application has been translated
into English, French, German, Italian, Russian (cyrillic script) and
Spanish. The current user documentation is in English.
Binary packages for RedHat Linux (RPM, tested on RH 7.2), Debian GNU/Linux
and Windows 2000, sources, screen-shots and details:
About Intevation GmbH
Intevation GmbH is specialized in Free Software and offers IT-services
in strategic consulting, project management & realization and GIS
solutions. All activities are based on Free Software, active
communication management, modern development technologies and
usability design.
For GIS solutions Intevation already implemented many individual
solutions ranging from browser-based work on digital maps, development
of specific applications up to Location Based Services (LBS) on
specialized spatial databases.
Thuban 1.0rc1 Release
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Thuban 1.0rc1 released
The first release candidate for Thuban 1.0. has just been released.
Download from the usual place:
Overview of changes since 0.9:
- Faster rendering
- Extensions to import APR files, to convert GNS files to shapefiles or
to use Thuban as a WMS client, among others. Most of these extensions
are somewhat experimental though.
- Thuban files written with the Windows version should be readable on
Unix systems now in most cases
- Support for EPSG projections
- A command line switch to enable attribute editing. This is a bit
dangerous so it's off by default.
What's missing for the final 1.0 release:
- Updated translations. The strings to translate should not change
anymore till 1.0 so now is the time to get the translations up to
- There's a bug in the windows binary: The startup file
will not be executed. The reasons are detailed in the bug tracker
Not sure what can be done about it until 1.0. Since the bug is more
a Python 2.2 bug than a Thuban bug the easiest solution may be to
build the windows binary with Python 2.3.
Thuban 0.9.0 Release
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Thuban 0.9.0 released
Overview of changes since 0.8.1:
- Initial version of the User's Manual.
This is only distributed in the
source archives at the moment and there only in the form of the XML
sources and images. The binaries do not contain the manual yet. You
can read it online though:
- New Translations: German, Italian and Russian.
Only the German one is
up to date, though, as the others are based on older Thuban versions.
For 1.0 we intend to have a translation period where all translations
can be brought up to date.
- PostGIS support.
This feaure is still a bit experimental at this
point and is not very well tested yet. It should work PostgreSQL
7.2.1 and postgis 0.7 as that's what we tested it with. Newer
versions probably also work.
Thanks to everyone who helped make this release possible.
Thuban 0.8.0 Release
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Thuban 0.8 released.
Roadmap for 1.0
After quite a few months since 0.2.0, we are pleased to announce that
the next release of Thuban, version 0.8.0, is finally here!
In addition a Roadmap has been setup towards a 1.0 release of Thuban.
There are lots of new features to explore in the 0.8.0 release. Here's an overview:
- Projection Management
The new projection dialog makes it possible to import, export,
create and select projections which can then be applied to
layers and maps.
- Automatic Classification Generation
The tedious work of adding new groups to a classification is
greatly simplied with this new tool. Classificatons can be
generated using uniform distributions, unique values, or
quantiles. The visual properties (e.g. line width, line color,
and fill color) are also adjusted according to predefined
color schemes, or a custom scheme.
- Image Layers
Images that are supported by GDAL (e.g. GeoTIFF) can
be added to Thuban as layers. They then behave just as layers
do and can be raised, lowered, and even projected.
- Table Joins
Independent tables can be opened with Thuban and joined with
other tables. The results can then be exported or treated just
as any other table in the session.
- Table Queries
The table view has a new query function which allows shapes to
be selected based on certain criteria which their fields match.
Results from a query are highlighted both in the table and in
the map. Queries can also be refined with other search criteria.
- Legend
The legend provides a more user-friendly face to the session tree
(which is still available). It displays each layer along with any
classification. The layers can be raised, lowered, shown, or
hidden through the toolbar on the legend. A layer's properties
are accessible by double-clicking a layer or selecting the
properties button.
- Improved Printing
Maps are framed and printed with the legend and scalebar.
- Export under Windows
On Windows platforms maps can be exported to Enhanced Meta-File
See also the screenshots for a first visual impression.
Thanks to everyone who helped make this release possible.
Thuban at the GNU/LinuxTag
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Thuban at the GNU/LinuxTag
The progress in the development of Thuban will be presented at the
in Karlsruhe (Germany, 10-07 to 13-07-2003) at the Intevation booth (C16).
Since the release of Thuban 0.2.0 the development made a significant progress.
If you are interested in the newest features or
want to discuss the proposed
Roadmap or concepts and ideas for Thuban in general,
meet the developers at the GNU/LinuxTag.
Thuban Release 0.2.0
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Thuban 0.2.0 is now available from the usual place:
Overview of the changes since 0.1.3:
The most striking new feature is classifications.
A classification is a set of groups that determine how
a layer is drawn on the map. The groups are
based on the fields of the associated data table.
For example, with the iceland_sample.thuban file you can
group roads by their length so that all the roads that are
0-0.2 km are red, 0.2-0.4 km are green, 0.4-0.6 km are blue,
and so on. Or, you can group the roads into types so that
all roads of type 1 are red, all roads of type 2 are green,
and so on. This is what is done in the iceland_sample_class.thuban
Classification Screenshots:
Version 0.2.0 is backward compatible with previous releases: it
can read and write old files.
Python 2.2 and wxWindows 2.4 are from now on the reference.
Thuban will be compatible with these two dependencies for quite
some time.
As usual: Various bug fixes, see ChangeLog and Bug Tracker for
Please submit bug reports here:
Thuban Prototype Release v0.1.1
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Thuban Prototype Release v0.1.1
Thuban is a new project to realise a Free Software
geo data viewer.
The initial release aims to be a basis for discussion of
further development. It shows the menu stucture (and therewith the
features thought of) for a first milestone release (version 1.0)
The current version provides basic navigation features
(zoom, pan), projection and can handle data in shapefile format.
Thuban uses wxPython as implementation language.