Mailing Lists
User discussion
Discussion about Thuban usage, features etc. takes place
on the user list:
Developer discussion
Discussion about Thuban developments, implementation questions
etc takes place on the developer list:
This is also the list where Issue tracker messages are sent to.
Announcements on new Thuban releases, new extensions, important
Web-Site changes and other news that are regarded to be very
interesting for people who want to watch the progress of Thuban.
Note that if you just want to get release infos on Thuban, you may instead
want to subscribe to Thuban at freshmeat.
News on Extensions, Web-Site etc. are not logged there.
Note further that messages sent to this list are stopped always to be reviewed
by the list administrator. This delays news a little bit, but keeps the list
clean of unrelated stuff.
Finally note that announcements are always send to the user discussion as well
(the user discussion mailing list is subsribed to the announcement mailing list).
So there is no point in being subscribed to the announcement list addtionally
to the user discussion list.
SVN commit messages
All commit messages of the Thuban Subversion repository: