Why is Thuban being developed?
[2001:] The FreeGIS Project provides
an overview of Free Software GIS projects.
Many valuable and highly sophisticated tools exist, but there is
still a need for a user-friendly, interactive viewer for geographic
Thuban makes use of several Free GIS Software components and
is itself the basis of advanced GIS applications, e.g
GREAT-ER desktop
The project name Thuban originates from the alpha-star in the
constellation Draco, the Dragon.
It was the pole star when the Egyptians built the pyramids.
Read this WikiPedia article for more about the Thuban the star.
There is also a short german article on Thuban at WikiPedia.
Lead Developer
Bernhard Herzog
all major concepts, Table-Management, many features.
Jonathan Coles
Legend, Classification, Projection-Management, GDAL-Support, documentation.
Nina Hüffmeyer:
OGR extension.
Frank Koormann
Various small features, some extensions, fixes, documentation, web pages.
Martin Müller
OGC Simple Features for SQL for PostGIS.
Russel Nelson:
Some small features.
Markus Rechtien:
SVG export extension.
Bernhard Reiter
Conceptual ideas, various small fixes.
Martin "Joey" Schulze: Major improvements of the WMS extension and some other
small improvements.
Jan Schüngel:
UMN MapServer Management extension.
Jan-Oliver Wagner
Various small features, some extensions, fixes, documentation, web pages.
Translation Team
French: Daniel Calvelo Aros
German: Björn Broscheit
Hungarian: Norbert Solymosi
Italian: Maurizio Napolitano
Portuguese (Brazilian): Eduardo Patto Kanegae
Russian: Alex Shevlakov
Spanish: Daniel Calvelo Aros
Other contributors
Jonathan Byron: Document improvements.
Ole Rahn: Major parts of the contributed PIROL extension.
Silke Reimer
Debian maintainer for Thuban.
Lorenzo Moretti: MacOS X Port and Packaging of Version 1.0.1
The development of basic Thuban features has been part of the project
"GREAT-ER II - Georeferenced Regional Exposure Asessment Tool for European Rivers",
the successor of GREAT-ER 1.0.
The GREAT-ER II project and the first phase of Thuban has been contracted
as part of the CEFIC Long Range Research Initiative.